Saturday, 25 May 2013

To Boston With Love, Update

So I wanted to share links to the flags I made for the To Boston With Love project. If you recall, I made two flags, and sent them to Boston, as part of a display of love and support to be hung in the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. Some of the pictures have been coming out, see the links to Instagram here and here, and a Flickr link here. Have a look. It is truly delightful. I'm happy to have been a part of it. There are about 1800 flags in all, and the installation has now been put up in the Shapiro Family Courtyard, and runs until July 7, 2013. See the MFA link here. Please see it if you are in Boston in the next six weeks.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for contributing these lovely flags to the project! Doesn't the installation look amazing? We're so happy that Berene Campbell, who came up with this idea, was able to fly to Boston for the opening!


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