Quilt Gallery

Click here for a gallery of my quilts.  Enjoy seeing my quilts, and thank you for stopping by.


  1. Wow, Ok, that is an awesome bunch of quilts my dear!!

    How did you do that? Is it a feature on Flickr to make one of those with all the information on each quilt as the slideshow goes on?

    LOve to learn how?
    PS. If you had the option to get your blog in my inbox I'd follow you.

    1. Carli,

      Yes, sign up for Flickr, and paste the slideshow to your blog. There is space for comments in Flickr. And thanks for the tip to follow by email. I'll set it up.


Thank you for stopping by to read about my quilting world. Your comments mean so much to me, so feel free to let me know what you think, about anything!