Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Meandering Hearts

I've been working on fmq on this quilt, which has turned out to be a bigger project than I thought it would be. That's what I get for making small hearts instead of great big ones!

I had previously used my walking foot to do the dreaded stitch-in-the-ditch along all the block lines to stabilize the quilt sandwich, and found two things. First, people really dread this job, but I'm reasonably skilled at it. And second, I'm not sure I need to do this. I could probably leave the pins in and just proceed to fmq, but I'd need to try this out before I could say for sure. So it might not matter if I can do SID.

It has been a bit of a learning curve to work on this flat surface, but it is much more comfortable and manageable. See previous post to find out what I did to my table. I had to clear off the stuff from the left side table to make it work, but work it does. I still need a few small adjustments, but those will come. There are other things I could/should be doing, but I can't stop sewing, I like this setup so much! And I need to get Mr. Sweet to put up those shelves he's been promising.

I'm linking this up with WIP Wednesday on The Needle and Thread Network, link here.


  1. Your quilt will be lovely with all the FMQ. I think the smaller hearts are better, sometimes those big designs don't really show at all.

  2. Replies
    1. OMG, it seems to take forever for this impatient soul!

  3. Very interesting to read your thoughts about stitch-in-the-ditch and fmq. My experience is that fmq is easier than s-i-t-d, exlusively one or the other is easier than combined, and s-i-t-d before fmq to minimize distortion problems. And congrats on the new set-up!


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