Friday, 12 April 2013

Creating an Angel

I've been working on a quilt for my friend's daughter, Sienna, and this is the central panel. I had lighter wings for her, but I decided to go with a darker colour, since the light didn't show up very well. Don't angels have white wings? In this case it doesn't work! I'm also working on butterfly blocks to go around the angel. I found a good fusible, called Heat'n'Bond FeatherLite. I've used others, but I like the way this one leaves the fabric soft.

This is the point where I seriously start to doubt myself, because I'm not sure how the quilt will look when it's all together. When I made garments, I could see how they would look before I started cutting into fabric, but quilts are a different story for me. I have to decide as I go along which fabrics to pick and where they will go, and trust that it will all work out. I have to hope for the best, though, and maybe tie it all together with a dark sashing. And then think about what kind of border I will add. . .

Linking up with Leah Day's FMQ Friday, and Confessions of a Fabric Addict.

1 comment:

  1. Fun! You could do some white thread-painting on the wings if you want them to have that quality.


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