Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Still Sandwiching

I'm still heavily involved in my stack of quilt tops, which I recently wrote about here. I've been preparing backs and bindings, and setting up quilt sandwiches. Not very glamorous, I know, but these jobs need to be done if I'm to finish up any of these tops. It becomes mind-boggling when I start using other orphan blocks for the backs, and end up with a stunning backing and want to use it instead for another quilt top! Decisions, decisions. I've not progressed to the quilting part of them, but hope to get on with that soon.

And I've realized that my love for piecing quilt tops is drawing me away from these tasks. See the pile of quilt blocks in the photo. I cut these out a while ago, and want to put them together into yet another quilt top instead of making quilt sandwiches.And there is a pretty rose quilt that I printed out that wants to be thread-painted as well. There just aren't enough hours in the day.

I'm linking up this up with WIP Wednesday on the Needle and Thread Network, here. Have fun checking out some of the other bloggers.


  1. Oh great -- and I just sent you patterns for more quilt blocks! LOL!

    Have fun! :-)

  2. We all have those tasks in the quilting process that cause us to pull on the reins and come to a full stop. I guess that's why there are so many UFOs, and why it's funny to talk about them.

  3. Very inspiring that you keep on plugging away at those "unseen" tasks. While I don't mind sandwiching something always comes up .....


Thank you for stopping by to read about my quilting world. Your comments mean so much to me, so feel free to let me know what you think, about anything!