Saturday, 2 March 2013

Piecing vs. Free Motion Quilting

Piecing won out today, and I made another quilt top to add to my stack! I'm giving only a sneak peak at this one, that I think I'll call 5% Red. I say that, because so far, for every quilt I've made, I wish I'd done something differently. And on this one, I wish I had put in a lot  more red. With the blocks all joined together, it looks pretty pale, and more red in the mix would have given it a more striking contrast. It's together, though, so I'll chalk this up to experience and leave it at that. Since I think it will look good  quilted in circles of varying sizes, I might move it to the front of the sandwich line.

And speaking of quilting. I am realizing up until now, piecing has come naturally to me, from my previous sewing experience. The free motion quilting part is all new to me. I've had some epic failures with this, so I am hesitant to get to quilting my pieced tops. I must remind myself that I've also had some epic successes, so this is my struggle at the moment. My determination to get my quilt tops turned into finished quilts is what is keeping me going. So on that note, I started quilting one of my sandwiches this afternoon. Nothing big to show yet, just laying down some grid lines along all the block edges.

The saga continues. Having this blog medium to work this out helps tremendously, and for that I am grateful.


  1. Same here - having sewn all my life piecing is easy, but the quilting - oh, Mother. Like you am giving it a try. I like you 5% red. Look forward to seeing more of it. Maybe you can use red thread to add more red to it.

  2. Can't wait to see more of your quilting. That is my favorite part of the quilt process. Your 5% red, what a tease, we need to see more :)

  3. Of interest in the latest Quilt Canada, "Enjoying Ireland". I have dangled a carrot to Macklin Anne for 2014. We are thinking Ilene and Eileen might enjoy this!
    Also of interest, "Quilt Canada 2014 in Niagara". As the advertising says for the Brier, "You Gotta Be There". I've decided I gotta be there.
    Gramma in SP

  4. Oh, oh . . . just realized Ireland and Niagara are both in June, 2014. Decisions, decisions.
    Gramma in SP


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