Tuesday, 5 March 2013

An October Rose

I'm taking a break from sandwiching, and working on a thread-painting piece, a photo I took at the end of October of a beautiful rose in our garden. I happened to catch a couple of ladybugs, too. I find I don't have all the right shades of pink thread I need, but I did manage to do the ladybug, and I can do the buds and leaves, so I'll keep doing as much as I can until I can get more thread. It's always fun to go shopping for thread, isn't it?

I'm linking this up with WIP Wednesday, over at the Needle and Thread Network, link here.

In other news, my piece with the monarch butterfly was accepted into the Grand National Quilt Show, link here, but you will have to wait for opening day to see the whole thing. I wrote about it here. Very exciting.


  1. Congrats on getting your butterfly accepted into the show, and yes, thread hunting can be quite the challenge and does prove to be the kind of excitement that a "old lady" quilter can handle!

  2. Hi, Ilene. Just found your blog. Of course I had to examine your thread-painted flower photos closely--beautiful stitching and so neat and orderly! I zoom around like a mad woman when it comes to FM stitching--total chaos. Looking forward to following your blog.
    best from Tunisia,

  3. Congratulations on getting your quilt accepted into the show ! Can't wait to see it when you publish it on your blog ;-))

  4. Congratulations on your show entry! I love your shades of pink thread!


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