Sunday, 10 February 2013

Liebster Award

Quite a while back, I was nominated for a Liebster Award, by Judy Cooper, over at her blog "Judy Cooper Textiles," link here. Thank you, Judy. This is a recognition award that bloggers pass along to other bloggers. The idea is that you nominate 5 bloggers, and they can accept the award and nominate 5 other bloggers. Liebster is German for favourite.

The Liebster Award is presented to smaller bloggers (fewer than 200 followers), as a form of recognition and support. As a recipient, you are to:

  • Link back to the person who gave it to you and thank them
  • Post the award to your blog
  • Present the award to 5 other blogs
  • Leave a comment on the 5 blogs to let them know that they have been offered this award

I am finally just now getting to this, and will be notifying the following five bloggers:

Quilting is More Fun Than Housework, link here
Today in Kenogami, link here
Quilting in the Attic, link here
Periwinkle Quilting and Beyond, link here
Margaret Blank, Fibre Artist, link here

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