Sunday, 10 February 2013

Finished, Finally

Today, I did the last of the free-motion quilting stitches on the Christmas quilt I've been working on. What a relief that is. There were whispers around the house that I may never finish that baby, but I am proud to say I can call it a done deal. Well, it's not quite finished, because it still needs blocking and binding, but for me that part is an easy last step. I will post a photo of the whole thing when the binding is on.

You get a sneak peek of the centre here, though, and a close up of the free motion quilting. The candy-cane medallion you see is cut from a panel, fused on and stitched around the edge with invisible zig-zag stitching, with some thread-painting added on the holly and ribbon.

I cut out a cardboard template to do the sashing strips, but much of it is just free-motion. Interestingly, I switched to a smaller needle, and this improved my tension issues tremendously. A lot of it is heavily stitched, and there is some distortion, so I will need to block it to hopefully straighten it up. In a rare instance of foresight, I prepared the binding strips, label, and hanging sleeve when I was assembling the top back in November, so it will be a quick matter to get those on.

With this Christmas quilt off my machine table, I can now move on to other projects that I had set aside. I'll post about those when they come up. And with this new enthusiasm for free motion quilting, I took a look today through my WIP box, and there are a number of completed quilt tops.  And yes, some of them have been there for a while. I am thinking I now have the confidence to get to work on them and get them converted from tops to finished quilts. Imagine that!


  1. It's absolutely gorgeous. I can't wait to see the whole thing. I bet it is amazing.

  2. Such nice machine quilting! What kind of machine do you have? I so understand about getting a project off the table and onto the next! I'm in the midst of doing that too!

  3. Wow, that looks like a lot of quilting. It's very pretty.

  4. Your quilting looks great! And kudos to you for sticking with that Christmas quilt and finishing it in February. You are so on track for Christmas 2013!


  5. Thank you for the comments. I am quilting with my trusty old (1980) Pfaff. It is still an amazing machine, though I pine for an HQ16. Sigh. It will be sad to now put this quilt away and not enjoy it until December, but I am sure I will be excited to pull it out then.

  6. beautiful quilting! You'll just love pulling it out next December

  7. Very nice design and great quilting. I am most impressed that you have neither misplaced the binding nor cut it up for another project .....


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