Friday, 22 March 2013

Blog Surfing

I've taken a few days off quilting, just laying low to regroup and motivate myself to get going again. In the meantime I've been doing some blog surfing, and it's been pretty interesting to see what other quilters are up to. Grab a cuppa and check out these links to find links to many other quilt bloggers:

  • Freshly Pieced, Work in Progress Wednesdays, link here
  • Patchwork Times, Design Wall Monday, link here
  • Nina Marie's Off the Wall Fridays, link here,
  • Marit's Thank Goodness it's Finished Friday, link here,
  • Amanda Jean's Finish it Friday, link here, and of course 
  • The Needle and Thread Network Work in Progress Wednesday, link here.

Do you know there are A LOT of other quilters out there who are blogging about what they are doing, everything from piecing, shopping, quilting, knitting, scrapbooking, painting, cooking, raising kids, etc. These are a very talented and diverse group. But I have noticed that there are similarities. All of us are juggling life to have enough, even a little, time to devote to our creativity, and all of us are pushing to learn new things and get better at our skills. What a community.

I came across a posting on Jen's blog, over at Quilter in the Closet, who wrote about a tour of the RJR fabric factory. They make all of the Jinny Beyer and Thimbleberries collections, amongst others. It is a very interesting read, check it out here.

I'll leave you with a late winter photo, of the forest at Woodside National Historic Site, link here. I like the way the beech trees keep their leaves all winter, and the bark on the trees makes a striking contrast to the snow. I took some photos and didn't like the way the light showed up when I uploaded them to my computer, so I went back the next day for a better shot, and this is the one. The next day the snow was nearly all melted! I keep asking myself, wouldn't it make a great quilted piece?


  1. Thank you for lining up all these links! It's always inspiring to peruse the quiltosphere and admire other quilters' accomplishments -- certainly sparks my creativity and motivates me to continue sharing as well!

  2. Hi Kitchener, Had to return the visit! Love the pic of your cuddly cat and your sewing machine. That is sew sweet. You must live not far from me. I am just outside of Listowel. Looking forward to getting to know you better as I am now following your blog!


Thank you for stopping by to read about my quilting world. Your comments mean so much to me, so feel free to let me know what you think, about anything!