Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Rose Progress

I finished doing all the random heart FMQ on the unnamed red and denim quilt, which is now ready for binding. I want to put in a hanging sleeve before the binding goes on, which is not ready, so it will wait for a bit before it it finished.

In the meantime, I have been adding a few stitches to my October Rose piece that I wrote about here. You may be able to see the difference. I have a lot of pink threads now to use, and they have made a difference. I am aiming for a bit more contrast than the original photo has, so the rose shows better from a little distance.

I only have a little bit left of the petals to stitch. There are a few more leaves and stems to stitch, too, but for some reason they seem to go in much easier than the petals. I've decided to put it up on the wall to look at it for a bit to determine what it needs next, but now I'm looking at this photo of it on my computer screen and I can already find places to add a few more lines. Sometimes the hard part is to know when to stop!

While it waits, I have other projects to do. Have you figured out, yet, that I don't work on something from start to finish? I always have a number of irons in the fire.

I'm linking up again with the Needle and Thread Network, here.


  1. Your thread painting is amazing, great choice of thread colours. Love the ladybug!

  2. Love the thread painting - and the cute ladybug!

  3. Wow, that is a ton of thread there! Beautiful work and looking forward to the end product. Carli

  4. I'm like you....a lot of irons in the fire! I really like your threadpainting! So beautiful! OH, and your Tigger and Pye look like brothers! Actually, my Pyewacket came from Kitchener (my brother lives there and this was one of a litter of kittens his cat had ;))...small world! Nice meeting you Ilene!

  5. Simply lovely! Are you going to do a series? There are so many different roses you could illustrate...

  6. Stunning thread painting...I am useless at that.

  7. Thanks for all the comments on this rose piece. Makes me want to really do a great job and get it finished!

  8. That rose is really beautiful.


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