Friday, 29 March 2013

Spring, finally!

I wanted to show you what showed up in our back yard today. I've been watching for these. You may know that crocuses are my favourite flower. Well they are at this time of year, anyway. Until the irises bloom in May, which are also my favourite flower! We finally have a nice day today, and though there is still snow on the ground, it is melting fast. 12C and sunny. So we've been outside enjoying the day.

And I was handsewing the binding on my R&D quilt, and guess who jumps up to help. I didn't get much done after that, and left him there to snooze. I was thinking that I really like a handsewn binding, it looks so professional when it goes on all straight with good corners. But I've come across Suzie's Magic Binding completely sewn on by machine, and I might have to try it out. It would be so much faster. Have a look at the link here.


  1. Ah, your photo brings back memories of spring on the farm, the running water, puddles, new calves and Mom. Happy Easter from SP.

    1. You've hit the nail on the head, that is precisely why I keep crocuses in the yard. Remember looking for them on the prairies? Mom and I did, anyway. I'm sure she instilled this in all of her offspring.


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