Monday, 1 April 2013

Still Quilting

Not much new to report here, since I am still plugging away at my pineapple quilt. I marked out some BIG circles to quilt along, but it turns out I'm not very good at following those lines! So I picked up some fine sandpaper to make a template. This I can do, so I cut the sizes of circles I need, and I just stitch along the edge. Easy as pie. Well, maybe easier than pie. It's not really FMQ, which was my original aim, and I seem to gravitate towards lines and circles and hearts and such, and not as much fmq. I'm thinking I could probably branch out, though.

I haven't decided what to quilt after these big circles. Do people know what they are going to quilt before they even start, or do they decide and make it up as they go along? I am curious, because I have a hard time deciding what to quilt. Time will tell. Maybe this will get easier as I get a few more quilts under my belt. I made the decision this weekend to finish up all my large UFO quilts by the end of this year, so I should have some good practice in by them.

And if you're wondering about my October Rose, I've been working on a border for it, which it seemed to need. It still needs just a bit of work, but the reveal shouldn't be too much longer!

Linking up with Anything Goes over at Stitch by Stitch, link here.

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