Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Sienna Loves Her Quilt

Quilt for Sienna
65 x 76"
I finished this quilt for Sienna just in the nick of time. Her birthday is this weekend, and I stayed up late last night getting the binding and label on it. I must say I am quite pleased with the results. All those bright colours have grown on me!

Quilt for Sienna
I'd also have to say that this is the best quilt, technically speaking, that I have made so far. I took a lot of time to make sure all the blocks and borders were squared up, and the pieced back is square to the front. Yes, quite pleased.

And all that worry about it not being loved? All for nothing. Sienna's mom Anna had tears in her eyes when she saw it, so I'm thinking I nailed it.

Check out all the other great quilters with these links:  Richard and Tanya's blog, here, Freshly Pieced, here, and Judy's Patchwork Times, here.


  1. That quilt is gorgeous! And nothing like tears in the eyes to show the appreciation is genuine. I really love the angel with her name in the middle.


  2. visiting via Colleen quilts too. Very lovely work. Your friend's daughter is fortunate to be receiving such a gorgeous quilt. Looking forward to following and seeing what else you are up to,

  3. Glad it was so well received-- you deserve it for such a beautiful and thoughtful gift!

  4. It is beautiful and loved... what a happy ending!


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