Thursday, 25 April 2013

To Boston With Love

This evening I made 2 of these flags 6x8" each for the good people in Boston. It was a quick and easy project, made according to the directions here.

I made mine with two layers of red, with a white layer in between. I zig-zagged a heart in the middle, and then trimmed away the red to reveal the white heart. Easy, peasy. If you look at the links, you will see people are doing strippy hearts, paper-pieced hearts and words, all kinds of ideas. It is a quick fun  thing for me to do while I decide what I'm going to work on next.

The Vancouver Modern Quilt Guild started this, and is looking to send as much love as possible to Boston to hang all around the city early in June. Doesn't this sound like a good thing to do? I'll have to mail them to Boston, but that's no problem. I will see if I can post a photo when they are up and flying. It should be quite a sight.

I'm linking up with Nina Marie's Off the Wall Friday, here, and to Confessions of a Fabric Addict, here. You can find other wonderful quilty people over at both blogs, too.


  1. Hi! I'm the president of the Vancouver Modern Quilt Guild and I wanted to thank you for joining in on this project and making two beautiful flags! It will indeed to be quite the sight to see all the flags hanging!

  2. Sew pretty! I think they are going to look amazing when they are all together.

  3. A thoughtful gesture. The whole project should be up-lifting.
    best, nadia


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