Thursday, 26 May 2016


by Ilene Atkins

One day in October several years ago, three of my sisters were here in Ontario for a visit. The weather was one of those perfect warm sunny fall days that we all love so much. We just had to go for a drive to see some of what Southern Ontario has to offer. 

We were all quite taken with the fall colours, and stopped a few times to take it all in. On one of those stops, near Collingwood, these two sailboats happened to go by. I snapped a few photos, and later printed this on onto fabric. 

I spent many an hour doing the threadpainting, and thinking fondly of my sisters and that great get-together. 

This quilt was chosen for exhibit at Quilt Canada, coming up June 15 to 18, 2016, in Toronto.

Update:  My quilt won first place in its category at Quilt Canada, in the National Juried Show. This is quite an honour, since my name was called with many other big names in the Canadian art quilt world. I am quite pleased. When I was at the show in Toronto, talking to people about my quilt, I was joined by one of my sisters who enjoyed that October day with me, and my good quilting friend from Alberta. It was a sweet moment in my life. 


  1. Your threadpainting work is beautiful. I found myself trying to zoom in more and more to fully appreciate your detailed work. The trees are amazing. Congratulations on your show piece.

    1. Thank you for your very kind comment. I hope you get to see it in person one day, since the photo shows only a tiny part of the splendour!

  2. I have many fond memories of that 'sisters' trip and it was a pleasure to see the quilt at Quilt Canada 2016 with a first place ribbon on it. The quilt is lovely in the photos but even more awesome to see up close and in person. Gramma Lana


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