Friday, 15 March 2013

6 Blocks to Go!

I've been plugging away all afternoon, and I have just 6 blocks left to quilt on this baby. With the end in sight, it feels like I can actually finish this job. And I'll be glad, too, so I can do some other stuff, like laundry, and eating.

I have learned some key lessons with this quilt:

The first lesson is that I'm seeing some pattern to my free motion hearts, and they aren't so random after all! I'm thinking I could set up a pantograph to make all the blocks consistent, if I were so inclined. I could also use these hearts in a circle pattern or a sashing pattern. I'd like to try both of those ideas.

Second lesson is that I used some of the leftover denim blocks on the back, and those thick seams make quilting difficult. Also, with the denim fabric, it is a soft and open weave, and it really moves as I am quilting over it, so I'm thinking now that the denim blocks would have been better quilted with a structured pattern instead of random. Lesson learned for next time.

Third lesson is that I'm loving my flatbed sewing machine, but the bobbin is a little tricky to get to. So I'm thinking of a way to make that work better, which might involve more sawing and sawdust. I'll keep you posted.

And finally, the fourth lesson is that I've learned how to get myself out of trouble when I've painted (sewn) myself into a corner with travel stitching, which I learned from Leah Day. I'm also learning about regulating my stitch length and keeping my lines straight, and although some of my hearts are wonky, they have gotten much better over the course of the quilt.

I've also been cutting out a pink, green, and purple quilt for a friend's daughter. It's not much to show yet. I need her to approve the colours, and can hopefully start sewing next week.

I'm linking this up with Leah Day's FMQ blog, she always likes to know what people are working on, link here.


  1. I'd love to see more pictures! Your hearts are wonderful and wonky is good in my book!

  2. I love the quilt, it looks so soft and cuddly and the hearts are great.


Thank you for stopping by to read about my quilting world. Your comments mean so much to me, so feel free to let me know what you think, about anything!