5% Red
by Ilene Atkins |
I've had this big neon sign flashing inside my head for some time now, saying MUST QUILT. So that's what I've been doing. It does beg the question, why must I quilt? I've always loved sewing, sewing anything, really. But why quilting, why now?
I was recently making the Dragonfly Quilt,
here, and had some insight. After my presentation last week to my quilt guild,
here, I heard those voices inside my head that say I'm not good enough, and Who do I think I am? You know those voices! But getting feedback on my quilts has been so positive. This disconnect between the outside world and my inside world just didn't make sense to me.
5% Red, detail
by Ilene Atkins |
So today I was emailing my friend about the dragonfly quilt, and I came to the realization that when I'm making my quilts, they are the visual representation of the essence of who I am. It is the deepest part of me coming out for the world to see. Any worries or troubles or discontent in my life become inconsequential.
The quilt I'm showing today is a finish from last fall, and I didn't get it photographed until recently. I think I pieced it the year before, and got it quilted in last years finishing frenzy. I've called it 5% red, since it has so little red. I think now I could have put in more red, but this is the way it turned out, so I'm leaving it at that. And I just quilted it with wavy lines. It's been added to my growing stack of finished quilts.
Linking up this time to The Needle and Thread Network,
here, and Nina Marie's Off the Wall Friday,